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The Narrator A freezing cold drift sweep into the castle as soon as the doors open up. It's snowing outside, light snowflakes falling down and covering Hogwarts Grounds with an extra layer of white. It's not bothersome, you can easily see your way and walk without slipping or wading through. One thing you can't miss, though, is that it's COLD.
As Austin left the class, with his torch held high, he realized that it was probably colder out here than it was in there.
"Merlin's beard." He muttered under his breath. He tried to pull his robes tighter, but they didn't seem to do much. Instead, he burried his face in his nose and mouth in his scarf, and continued walking.
Why was the winter so cold this year? The snow seemed to have come earlier than normal, and it didn't feel like there was a small dusting at first. To Austin, it seemed as though the snow had come all at once. One day he was wearing the thinnest layers he had, and the next, he needed at least two layers at all times to keep him warm. That included the castle. His dad had told him that Hogwarts was a strange place, and anything could happen at any moment, but it seemed like this was an entirely different year. It definitely didn't seem like this happened often, or at all to be quite honest.