Bre Bear | Asherine | Whisper | Kemmy | Raeney | Madyra | Bumble Bee Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay "Mhmm," Nessa beamed at the girl with a confirming nod. And then her smile faded as she let out a gasp. "Do you think that's why no one else has come to visit? Have you heard people saying that?" She leaned a little closer to Emmylou, awaiting her answer. She did find it somewhat surprising that the first floor had been rather quiet.. though maybe she had missed potentially visiting students when she was out of the office. At least that what she had been telling herself, but if this little piece of news was true, she found it somewhat disturbing. "I wonder if the previous History of Magic teachers were mean and they think I will be too." Oh she frowned a little bit at this. Teachers shouldn't be mean to students and she didn't want anyone afraid of her. And of course Emmylou wouldn't know if they were, this being her first year too. She would have to find out if this was the reason.
Oh but Nessa was soon distracted from those awful thoughts as her visitor asked about the stage fright exercises.. and she was eager to share those! "Wellll.." she started, jumping up from her chair. "The first is to meditate.. like this." She sat down, cross-legged, on the floor and rested her hands gently on her legs. "Close your eyes and breathe deeply, in and out, focusing only on your breathing and relaxing every part of your body from your head to your toes." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, following her own instructions to demonstrate. Emmylou shrugged at the professor. "I haven't heard anyone talking but I've been trying to focus on my studies and haven't been walking around the castle or socializing so much." Emmy would have to do some more exploring of the castle so she stops getting lost. The third year Lioness grinned. "You know once people meet you they're going to want to visit you so much because you're so nice." The blonde nodded. She had that feeling again and she sure hoped more students would visit the very nice professor. The professor made a really good point. "I can always as some students that were here and had the professor to see if it was a mean professor?" Emmylou would do that for someone and she was also very curious about it too.
Emmylou jumped from her seat a little when the professor jumped up, she didn't expect that at all. The blonde smiled and nodded as she watched the demonstration and couldn't help but join in. Emmylou got up from her seat and sat cross-legged next to her cool professor. She followed a long and closed her eyes and taking deep breathes trying to relax every muscle in her body.
__________________ maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive  maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise |