Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
COOL. Zahra had company for Mucus Stealing. GOOD company, too, high grade Gryffindor quality company.
"Look," Zahra began to explain. She held up a particularly huge worm, then turned him so Tag could see one end. "THIS END here?" then she flipped it to the other side, "is EXACTLY like this end. I mean, mouth.. and butt.... are like the same. So if their feelings get hurt about us stealing some mucus, they really need to sort out their priorities. When your butt's your mouth and vice versa, you got bigger problems, I think." Zahra laughed again but focused on SQUEEZING her MUCUS into the jar.
She glanced up at Tag, nose scrunched against the glare of the sun. Then she suddenly grinned. Mucus thieving was DEFINITELY a two person job and she was glad for the company.
When Zahra demonstrated which part of the body the worm's mucus should come out of, Tag couldn't help but laugh back. He was so mature. Especially when she mentioned the front and backsides of the poor poor worm. "
Right, when you don't know what end is what getting mucus squeezed out of you is the least of your worries." Truly. Flobberworms lived a very sad and stressful life. And yes, the boy was laughing the entire time she said that.
Tag reached over and took one of the worms Zahra had already gotten and stared at it for a few seconds before having it hover over the jar a bit and squeezed it.
Whoops. Some mucus, liquid, spilled over Tag's hand and that face yet again made another appearance. He was definitely doing what he was meant to be doing for Zahra. "
So, are you doing this just for fun? Or for an experiment? Or?" Curiosity hit Tag, like always.