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Old 06-10-2014, 02:10 AM   #22 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Default He's selling sweets again
C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby

Text Cut: Lil Beverly Wayne
Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post

"Of course," Beverly agreed coolly, going along. He was SUCH a boy. Too cool for a holiday, as if, but she'd let him go with it. Anything was cooler than Christmas. What with all of the cheesy holiday cards. People sending others presents in hopes to receive some in return. Pfft! Just go out and by yourself whatever you wanted. What was the need to wait for someone to buy it for you? And don't get her started on Christmas carols, just a big ball of NO.

This is sort of why she didn't make up an excuse for her dislike for the holiday. Beverly had a feeling Cutty wouldn't start with the 'I'm sorry to hear that' or whatever other pity party people usually threw at her. Popping more Pixie Puffs into her mouth, she nodded with a shrug.

She didn't say more as they were briefly accompanied by an owl. Her eyes studied the creature as it ate someone's food. Loser dweeb. Oh, a delivery. What ever did Cutty Mordaunt have there? Beverly wanted to know. She pushed the bowl of Pixie Puffs away and turned her body toward Cutty. "You have my undivided attention." Now show her.

Beverly was done with her breakfast. Just like that. And just what Cutty Mordaunt was hoping would be the reaction.

"It's probably my chocolate pyramids." He wasn't originally going to open up the box there and then before Merlin and everyone in the Great Hall. But, after considering the free advertising this was, he thought better of doing so. Cutty rattled the box and pressed his ear near to it to tease Beverly Wayne. "Or the Rainbow Serpent gums. Could even be..." He remained looking down upon the package as one hand flipped open one side of it's wrapping. "...Chocolate Sphinxes."

The still roundish fingers on his other hand inched up and flipped open the other wrapped side of the package. Reaching a hand into the opened side, Cutty pulled out the colourful box and removed the lid. Two out of three wasn't bad. The Egyptian chocolates, along with nougat and pistachio squares were evident. "Oh! Oh, you've got to be careful when opening up these things." He said rattling one of the chocolate Sphinxes, still in it's packaging. "If yer not quick, they'll fly away from you." And it gave on the sense of being a hunter.

"Bev, you understand mooney." He made this assumption as he lined up each of the sweets one by one for her to view clearly. "How much do you think I should be selling these fer?"
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