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How in the world managed to forget his ankle brace on the day he actually needed it, she had no idea but she wasn't going to bother him about it any longer. She knew that if she continued telling him over and over that he needed to be careful and wear his brace and rest and yada yada yada, he'd get annoyed with her and not because it was her but because other people had given him that lecture before. Jun was an adult, he knew better already. "Mhmm. Maybe there's a spell or something that can keep you from hurting yourself so much." With all of the spells out there, surely there was one that could help Jun.
Okay, yes, she ate loads of candy but Charlotte always made sure to eat one real meal a day. Did that mean nothing to anyone anymore? Whatever. She would just drop it for now. This was already two people making comments about her eating habits, if another one did it within the next week, she'd give up candy just to prove a point. If she needed something to eat when stressed out she'd just...uh..eat carrots or something.
"I was kind of preoccupied." Honestly. She had planned to go to Korea to see Jun on the day of his audition and just hang out with his family for a bit but as she had told him before, she just didn't feel like that was his place. She didn't want to show up and have people not want her there so instead she stayed home, got to see her dad and pets...and the rest of her family. It really wasn't all that bad. "A silver bracelet? What kind?" She didn't really understand why they'd give him a bracelet but who was she to judge?
Jun nodded. He had learned the spell his healer used on his ankle that day. He even gave him a cheat sheet. Bless him.
"It's not like I do it on purpose. I'm already used to getting hurt all the time so I don't find it a big deal with my ankle sprained," Except the pain, though he had a high pain tolerance. No need to worry about him too much. Or in general.
Jun knew why but decided not to say anything about it. The moods might come back. Anyway. He stuck out his right hand and pulled his sleeve up a bit to reveal the
bracelet. Jun remembers eyeing the piece of jewelry when he opened the box on Christmas morning.
"Grandma said it was for luck or something," He shrugged. He didn't really ask since the woman traveled to China the next day.