Thread: The Planetarium
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Old 06-09-2014, 11:19 PM   #42 (permalink)

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Ashton P. Walker
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Text Cut: Tag and Marion!
Originally Posted by Team ronmione View Post
The sun was humble. To some extent. No, it was very humble. And the winking comment. "I know I was winking a lot. I hope you enjoyed it." He said. There was no reason to add on more into the winking part of the conversation, so that should be that? Yes. Good. Ok.

The blonde hoped that that laughter indicated that Lotus knew what Tag had said, a star wars quote indeed. And if she didn't, we may be disappointed. Stars Wars sorta had connections to astronomy? Let's just say yes. "Only a couple million light years away. Only." Did she see what Tag was getting at here? "Sooooo what's a light year to a normal earth year?" These were the things he needed to know. Obviously, he had never bothered much to check his textbooks when he had taken astronomy. "Fascinating. Excellent."


What was that noise? Slightly shrilly and upbeat it scared Tag. Gave him goosebumps and he had to quickly move in his seat to find where that voice was coming from.

It was a ghost. Mentioning favorites. Oh, lord, would Lottie try to avoid a 'favorite' conversation?

We felt the fingers on his hand, yes we did, Lotus. Psh. Lotus scared of a ghost? A harmless ghost. But, it seemed Lottie knew the ghosts name and then, let go of him. Haha. Not for long, Tag held onto her hand again. Also, the hufflepuff seemed to have trouble addressing the ghost.

"Whut?" Tag said completely confused by both Lottie's and the ghosts words. Burbage apparently.

Spiral galaxy. Barred spirals. Sculptors.

What were they talking about? Tag just watched their interactions and said nothing at all.
Originally Posted by Marion Burbage View Post
Hooting quite like an owl with delight at the young woman's answer, Marion beamed at her and nodded so much it was a wonder her ghostly head did not roll right off her shoulders. Although that was surely a privilege left to Sir Nicholas. Sort of. Marion did take pity on the poor fellow for never being able to join the Headless Hunt. Such conviction he had, applying over and over like that.

"Oooooooooooh how siiiiiimply LOVELY!" she exclaimed. "The Sculptor Galaxy IS a beautiful sight to behold."

What was this little darling's name again? Marion tried to search her memory but was having a hard time recalling at the moment. OH WAIT! THERE IT WAS! Oh yes. That studmuffin of an Astronomy professor had often raved about her when they had had their evening teas. Well, when he had his tea and she floated there beside him listening.

"You have subliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime taste, Miss Wisteria. Siiiiiiiimply sublime! But no need to call me professor. You already have a fine one. Mrs. Burbage will do just fine."

Oh dear. It seemed her quite sudden entrance had startled the Gryffindor boy. "Oh my goodness gracious HEAVENS above. Do forgive me dear. I did not mean to startle you," she cooed as the patted him, or attempted rather, on his head. "A proper studmuffin like yourself shouldn't fall victim to surprise so easily, though."

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuurely she wasn't THAT frightening! Why, if he were to have the Bloody Baron sneak up on him he would leak in his trousers!

But then it hit her.

"OH...OOOOOOOOH! You are wondering what sort of siiiiiiiiiiiimply divine talk your friend and myself are having. Mr....Kildare, was it?" She briefly recalled him in her lessons during her brief time as a professor. "Galaxy is an umbrella term, like pasta. There isn't just ONE variety of pasta. You have spaghetti and penne and capellini and macaroni. Similarly, you have a variety of galaxies. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH but look at me babbling on like I just had a goblet of Babbling Beverage!"

Actually, at the time, she had thought it was entirely and completely suspicious, so she didn't exactly enjoy the winks because she was mostly wondering what they'd meant. But she merely smiled at his words and dropped the topic.

There are just so many different kinds of winks, Kildare.

Star Trek was better, but yes, she got the reference, for once. Only a couple billion light years away. ONLY! "There are others farther away...," how scary was that??? Not so much, if one considered infinity, and she often did. Then that question happened and she shook her head, "It's unrelated. A light year is a measure of distance. A year is a measure of time. It cannot be compared, unless you want to know how long it'll take you to reach said galaxy." She would explain the mathematics to it all, but that would be too much for him, would it? It wasn't too complicated, but she'd said that about many things that turned out to be difficult to understand.

And Burbage! Lottie was suddenly so excited! "It is! Incredible, really." They should look for it, the projector should be able to show it, right? Right?! Then she was beaming when she mentioned her taste and her eyes flickered briefly to her boyfriend. Yes, Burbage, we agree with you. "I do, Mrs. Burbage." Just being honest here, you know? Always honest.

LOL! Oh, Merlin! Well, she didn't know whether that could be a full compliment because she remembered, from that one class with Burbage, that she spoke of all scientists and old people as studmuffins, so, really, Lottie wasn't sure what to think of it. Since Tag was oh-so-incredibly-young compared to those Burbage had known, then... it was probably a good thing. She almost winked at him, but refrained to do so because... well, a ghost was present in the room.

Girlfriend, Burbage. Girlfriend. Not friend, no, girlfriend. There's a difference. A difference she didn't care to explain because it wasn't her business, quite frankly, and they are friends too, so, it was okay. Both her eyebrows went up when the woman-ghost started to explain this in... pasta terms. Oooookay. Let's not confuse her boyfriend, yeah?
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