Anyone? Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Milk the worms, Professor T had said. Milk the worms. Zahra had some questions about MILK from worms, but you know what? They weren't as important as getting the House Points as reward. He probably didn't even say MILK and Zahra had just added that in for him. Hehe. Milk, mucus... same thing, right? hahahahehe
She bypassed the whole gloves/apron thing. Those would just get in the way anyway and Zahra was pretty sure Worm Mucus hadn't ever killed anyone? Probably not.
So Zahra perused around a while, looking at all the areas and pens, then finally found them - THE FLOBBERWORMS. "SUP FLOBBY WORMS. SURRENDER YOUR MUCUS OR I'LL CLOBBER YOU!" she greeted them with her Professor T issued JAR. SHe'd get to the mucus collecting in a second - first .... she had to play with them for a few minutes.