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Old 06-08-2014, 02:43 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by itsgisselx3 View Post
Charlotte walked down the street of Hogsmeade in her purple coat, looking around for things she needed. There was no one to hang out with today so she just figured a walk in Hogsmeade would be nice for her. And, honestly, any time she got the chance to wear her puprle coat, she would. It was her new favorite article of clothing and she made sure everyone noticed it.

Passing by Scrivenshaft's, Char remembered that she actually need more ink for her quills. Now that she was actually doing homework, she tended to run out of ink faster and decided now was as good a time as any to get it. Walking into the building though, she saw someone who looked familiar but not at the same time -- he'd dyed his hair again. Right. "Um...Jun?" She was still standing by the entrance and wanted to make sure she didn't scare him on accident. "Hey." Because they were going to work things out now, right? She'd just have to keep reminding herself no to be weird and make things awkward.
Good thing about being tall?

You could reach the high shelves without asking for help. Pretty sure the employees were already too busy with other people and supplies. Reaching up for the green ink, Jun grabbed it and kept looking for other inks. Maybe black for school stuff and all. Oh, and he needed a new journal. Definitely needed that. Messy red hair passed by the shelves; Jun should've worn a hat today. But instead had earmuffs on for some reason. When looking at the journals, his head tilted up at the sound of his name.


Giving her a small smile, he returned the greeting. "Hi," he said, grabbing a journal and examining it. Nah, this one wasn't sturdy enough for his nonsense. Which a certain someone didn't like him calling it that.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;

Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
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