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What a lovely, and super cold, day today was. Perfect time to choose a present for Milton. A Christmas present for Milton, at that. One he was bound to get before Christmas because everyone was going to be busy over the holidays and the second part of the gift was going to be impossible to make.
Either way, Lottie stopped in front of Greenhouse 4. "We should probably get him a piranha plant, you know? It's festive enough," she told Lex, eyeing Greenhouse 7 because that one was slightly cooler (if not tropical) than 4. If they went the piranha way, then less spells for them to make on it.
They were only here to choose, after all. They could take all the time in the world.
But make it quick.
The Professor must have needed to add several warming charms to the greenhouses with the extra cold weather around the castle this year, otherwise Lex was sure half the plants would have died of the cold by now. It must have been a while since the castle was this cold...actually the last time it got to ridiculous temperatures there were dementors......merlin.
Lottie's stopping at Greenhouse 4 reminded her that they wouldn't be going all the way to Greenhouse 8 today. Well they could but it wouldn't be for Milton. Had to get him something easily disguised and shipped. Couldn't have it eat the owl on the way there.
"Yeah, we could, or a couple chomping cabbages." Her eyes trailed over to Greenhouse 7.
"If we don't like what we see in here then I'm voting the cobra lilies." Those could have been a nice unravelling for him.
"D'you reckon he'll be opening it infront of anyone that can save him?" She asked as she entered.
"I mean, it'd hardly be effective if it didn't get a decent chunk out of him."
But what was she thinking? Milton with someone?
Snort and maybe Lafay would come back and offer hugs. Milton was Milton. It just wasn't possible.