*** Mordred pocketed the piece of parchment that Ethan owled him days before as he eyed the lone street of Hogsmeade that lead to Hogwarts. The former Slytherin closed his tired eyes and shook his head knowing full well that Ethan won’t be there on time. Kid is usually not late, but Mordred did consider that his cousin might be dead tired from all the lectures and homeworks. He was once a Hogwartians and he knows about these things. Deciding that he should make this trip a useful one, Mordred made his way inside the Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop and looked at the inks for sale.
The former Slytherin wore a grin on his face as the memory of him purchasing a stationary set for a good old friend flooded his brain. He didn’t know what to pick at that time, and was thankful that a Gryffindor girl named Ari, approached him to help him out. Mordred however wondered what happened to her. He never saw her again after that…