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This boy was proving to be super sweet, but she wasn’t surprised. It seemed that most of the students she had run into were all super sweet. “Well I think he’d appreciate your concern as much as I do.” Her eyes turning back to the Thestral. She listened as he spoke and nodded a bit, “Kneazle’s aren’t too hard to have around muggles really. They are very smart and will know when they need to stay hidden usually.” She always had the highest faith in Kneazles. There wasn’t one that she had come across that didn’t seem to know between wizards and muggle.
She turned to face him again as he talked about the school. “So wonderful to hear. I love that our school gives you the challenge you need. It’s just a-mazing what type of education you will get here. “ Her old school was full of great life lessons as well as academic. She just hoped Connor could appreciate it as much as she did. “What do you feel are your favorite classes?” He wouldn’t mind her asking, would he?
This boy was surely getting to be enjoyable now wasn’t he? Look at him sticking up for her talents and specialty. “My point exactly.” Well she was certainly seeing great potential in this one. Yes, she would surely be seeing him in her class for sure. “Gifts are amazing things if you use them correctly. I hope to see you in a lesson or two.” Or all of them, yes she hoped to see all her students in all of them. Looking back at the Thestral, “When it gets colder.” Though wasn’t it cold enough already? “Winter seems to have come so early this year. I never remember being this cold.” Not this early at least. “I don’t see them going far, but just getting out trying to get away from whatever is making them give me a headache.” She rubbed her temples. It wasn’t just them, all the animal actions and thoughts that she loved being connected with lately were just making her anxious.
Glancing back at Connor she gave a smile, “It’s probably time to be heading back to the castle. It’s probably getting later and by the feel colder.” No need for a student to freeze out here.
Connor nodded, thinking about it. But he was still leaning more toward a cat, that's what he and Elodie had agreed they would go and pick out, and he'd hate to seem wishy washy. "
I'll keep that in mind, Professor." He replied though because he wanted to be kind and polite, she was a nice teacher.
He thought about the question, he liked most of the classes. They were better than his classes back at Salem, even the boring ones were more entertaining. "
I really like all of them, Potions is interesting. I haven't been to one of your classes yet but i'm sure i'll learn a lot. I like Defence Against the Dark Arts too." But what 15-year-old boy wouldn't? It was all about learning of danger and how best to fight it. He shivered a little thinking of the cold. "
Really? I thought it was just me. I'm not used to the cold, not at all." He chuckled a little bit and then nodded. "
Right, we probably should get back. Well..i probably should anyway. Thank you for telling me a little about the Thestrals, Professor."