Originally Posted by
Lolita Domingo Ah, their second-in-command. "Hola, Seren" she greeted back, returning the smile for good measure.
Hola, that would take getting used to around here. Still, it had a very.... sunny tone to it, and that was something she could appreciate.
"Settling in alright? Students haven't given you any grief so far?" she asked, taking an interest in their newer member.
Originally Posted by
PhoenixRising First one in after her was the ever lovely Herbology Professor, who really did look just as stunning as she remembered her last June. "Seren!" She beamed at her friend. "Good to see you again!"
Despite Fina having been back for a short while now, with the extra attention required in the greenhouses and student garden, she'd been too busy to catch up with her friend and fellow Head of House.
"Fina!" she exclaimed joyfully when she realised the woman was in the room. The decorations were perhaps a little distracting in that way.
"It's good to see you too! How are you? And how's your little man?" she asked excitedly.
Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch "Seren, it's lovely to see you." Leo greeted sunnily. "Is that flesh eating plant I gave you settling into its new home in the green houses?" So he could tell his mother that she didn’t need to worry about the plant chewing up his living quarters and books.
Her attention was soon stolen by the Librarian, and he received warm smiles in exchange for his.
"Leo, so good to see you too," she replied with equal brightness.
"Oh it's growing beautifully, fitting right in with the others," she assured him with a nod.
"And how goes the library?" she asked, not really sure where to go with that. Any issues with dust mites? Students spilling food and drink on them? Borrowing and not returning? ... Who knew?