Text Cut: Marisol
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Beverly Wayne was officially crazy. Se kept yelling things at Cutty, who was thrashing his wand around, almost turning Beverly and Marisol into human kabobs. And it was...awesome!
Their Granian thrashed around, and Mari almost swallowed a snowball the size of her fist. She deflected it with her left arm and winced as the hard, cold lump hit her harder than expected. The first year knew she could look forward to a pretty nasty bruise, but...
"It is good!" Mari whooped excitedly. She haphazardly waved her wand about, yelling, "Evanesco! Evanesco! Take that, you snow of ball!" The Spaniard started to yell in her native language, but she didn't take notice of that. Snowballs tried to pelt them but epically failed. Beware the wrath of Cutty and Marisol Cruz!
Look at their firstie go!
Beverly had this strange swelling sensation in her chest. It was a smidgen similar to that of when she tried something and got it right on the first try, or when she beat someone. Pride. LOL. That was funny. She's never felt pride for a housemate like that. Go Marisol!
"Keep shooting, Marisol, we're almost there." You too, Cutty. The finish line, she wanted to cross that. Preferably with all her teammates. If they were unfortunate, well...she still wanted to cross it herself.
Leaning forward a bit, as to stay clear of their line of fire and for concentration reasons, Beverly steered the Granian to the side slightly. Would everyone else get out of their way? JEEZ.
She was trying to win here.