Two seperate timelines :3 ΒΌ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir She knocked on the door and stood a few feet away, waiting to see if he was in. Lucky for her, Cosgrach was in.
It took him a few minutes to get to the door, as he was in the middle of changing from his sports clothes to his daily robe, but he answered in the end by opening it with his wand while he still straightened the robe. "Come in," he called out from his desk and sat down on his chair. Hopefully, his hair looked okay. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 "Feeling okay?'' Benny had not uttered a word so far. The Hufflepuff knew that would change soon. The urge to speak must be getting harder to fight. "Don't worry. Professor Culloden would know what to do.'' And with that, he knocked on the door to the man's door to his Office. Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline "Hat best asphault bagel nafkindle freehumor dice shadowlight..." the third year let out, breaking into a sigh as he leaned back against the nearest stone wall. Please let the professor be there to answer the knock. "Likchen vessel--" Another sigh came as he clamped his mouth shut and slid lower on the wall. Professor wasn't at his office, but he emerged from the potions laboratory a few minutes later with his dragon hide gloves on his hands and googles on his eyes. He had just finished experimenting on a potion, and when he saw Adi and Benny, it clicked: Adi had done it!
He hurried to open his door as he greeted them with "Hello boys." He wanted to beat around the brush and speak to Benny, but he knew he had to act casual. If Benny and Adi were there, Adi probably picked the sly way and still hadn't revealed Benny that he had been... ehehe.
Removing his left glove, he drew his wand and opened his door. "I assume you are here to see me?" Teehee. |