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Honestly, Lux really would like to stop because she was feeling nauseous, but she also knew that this was a race and she would feel bad if they came in last place because she was feeling sick. Bay was being so sweet though; no surprise there because he was ALWAYS sweet. "I'll try to be okay." Yeah, she was not going to be sick in the carriage if she could help it.
Oh gosh, more veering. That as not helping matters, but fortunately Bay managed to get them back on course again. Thank goodness they were almost done this race, though of course there had to be more obstacles in their way. These Professors really didn't want to make this easy for them. Trying her best to hold in there, she sent some more Confringo spells at the snow banks coming up ahead so that they blasted away.
Oh wrote Lux was being so brave he would have to take her on an extra special date after this but he really hopped that she wasn't sticking it out for him. Bay didn't care if they finished but if she says she's alright then he will trust her judgment.
Seeing snow banks explode ahead of him he yelled back at her as he tried to streer around it.
"awesome were almost there......" he stopped...
He didn't know what to tell but he managed to say
"sooooo many of them ahhhhhh" he bumped into one and the carriage was super bumpy but bay managed to get through it. He wondered if Lux could deal with so many banks by her self. He did his best to help by trying to drive extra careful.