SPOILER!!: The Dragon Best Friend
Originally Posted by
Holmesian Feline
Ben saw the piles but then he saw the two sparks of light obviously coming from behind him and the tip of Adi's wand. Unless of course someone was helping them out from the side lines. But seriously. The snow banks burst once more and Benny manuevered them through the worst of it, glad the abraxan was playing along well enough. Nothing like teamwork between man and creature.
Or in this case....boys and creature.
The three of them doing nicely as they recovered from the coverage of falling precipitation that had come from the Hufflepuff's targets. Coming closer to the end, the Gryffindor eased them into the final sprint. Come on...come on. Just a little further. Then they would cross it, not even caring at the moment of winning but just completing the challenge set before them.
And then...
Finally. The end!
Annnnd they were done! Awesomeee!
"Excellent job, Benny!'' Adi said, giving his best friend a quick bro hug with one arm. So had this little activity help put the past behind them? Best friends for life again? Hopefully.
Adi climbed out of the carriage. Where were the Professors? What did they do with the horse and carriage now? Well at least Benny could steer it into the corner to clear the way for the others.