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"So, now I've ruined the night, how do you suggest we go forward?" Becca asked calmly, looking at Gid. "Do you want me to leave? I'll go home if it makes it easier for you." She was sure she could find something to clean. Maybe she'd start cleaning the roof or something stupid like that.
"Becs you didn't ruin the night!" he said in a soft tone of disbelief. Merlin he'd been the one who'd done that again. He always tended to do something stupid like that. "I want you to stay, I want to have you here with me. You know how I hate things like this, having you here is the only thing that makes me want to stay to be honest." Otherwise he'd rather go sit in the corner and avoid most everyone there til someone found him. And then sneak out early if possible and go to his office til the party was over. Well...couldn't well enough do that there at the museum. "What would make it easier is knowing we're okay."