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"Yes, he was an awesome auror. But if we were going on that, then why didn't you dress up like me?" she tilted her head, giving him a look that dared him to disagree there too. "Then your hair SUCKED when you were younger. I'm thankful you were introduced to haircuts, and I shall be reintroducing you to them tonight. Your hair had better be cut before you take one step into the house, or I'm going to cut it ALL off." And he should know she wasn't joking. "You can watch me, but you do not come near me, and I am definitely not dancing with you and your free thinking companion." Which was obviously his creepy eye. Ugh.
"Because you're a woman, and I'm not" he said eyeing her "And it'd be odd dressing up as you considering you weren't in the Order of the Phoenix." His eyes narrowed though at her words "Right. Well it's not coming off, nor being cut. Because I kind of like it." Heh, she could argue all she wanted, he might leave it like this for awhile, he hadn't had it like this for quite a few years now! "You won't be cutting even a little off." he said firmly "You. You would dance?" he asked with a smirk "I normally have to drag you onto the dance floor. So I'm not too worried there." Free thinking companion. HAH!