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She'd heard him before seeing him, so she answered him with "Hi G-WHATDIDYOUDO?" Her eyes went wide and she just STARED at her husband. "You... you look like... I don't even know." Becca was absolutely horrified! "You are NOT coming home with me looking like that." Oh heck no. "You can sleep in the garden until you take that off and cut your hair." Merlin, he looked awful!
He smirked at her response and posed a little. Wait, what? He stared at her when she spoke a little "It's Mad-Eye Moody. Come on, I thought especially you would recognize the look. He was an awesome auror!" What he didn't look enough like him? "When he was younger, from the first bit with Voldemort, the first time The Order was created." He'd thought the eye was a dead giveaway! "There's nothing wrong with my hair!"