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Sighing as she sat at the table,
Becca looked around and then rested her chin on the back of her hand. Her husband wasn't here yet, and she was getting bored waiting for him. He knew she didn't do standing around. She was a woman of action, which was why she'd come as Amelia Earhart. Pulling a face at the general surroundings, she reached out to pick up a Yorkshire Pudding and put some beef in it before covering it in gravy and taking a bite as her blue eyes observed the surroundings.
Gid entered the hall and looked around for Becca, he'd felt bad about having made her wait. It had taken a lot longer than he'd ever planned to be. Spotting her over at one of the tables, he made his way through the crowd. He felt a little weird with this eye thing attached but it was really cool being able to see through it. He'd just put it back in the box in the testing room later. "Hey beautiful." he said taking a seat beside her.