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So riding was going to happen in some kind of form anyways. AJ couldn't contain her excitement. This was beyond awesome. Naturally she wanted to hold the reins because that would be as close as she was going to get to be able to ride the winged horse. AJ looked at her sister, and she knew what she had to do.
I think I should be the protector." AJ responded well under pressure and nervous was a feeling that she almost never got. Angel on the other hand wasn't always on her toes and could get flustered easily. "All you have to do is keep us going as fast as possible, I'll do the rest." She didn't want to waste time on who was doing what so she just made the descision for them.
"Let's go." AJ came upon the first winged horse that she saw, not really knowing what breed it was or anything. She didn't really care. The only thing on he mind was that she wanted to win. She patted the horse as instructed and looked at her sister to do the same thing AJ shouted "Fixate!" as she moved her wand from under the ear to the corners of his mouth. Perfect. It had even worked on the first try.
Angel rolled her eyes as her sister spoke, she hated when her sister got like this because normally it ended badly and not for her sister but for her, she always seemed to get over excited and forget what she was doing, but for now she would go along with it but if her sister went cray cray then she would think of a way to stop her.
"Okay then I'm ready." Angel beamed as she walked up to the winged horse her sister was patting and did the same as her sister, she was about to say Fixate but her sister got there first which wasn't at all cool. she quickly put the reigns on the wing horse and then looked at her sister. "You ready for this?" Angel beamed.