Good Timing! Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia Quote:
Originally Posted by Emms He had to grow up quickly to take care of his sister. Despite having an older brother and father still in the picture, Simon noticed that they were very hands off with Allison so Simon always made sure to look out for her. They understood each other. Muggle and Wizard. Just two siblings keeping up with each other. He dismissed the thought as he sorely missed his younger sister.
Simon nodded and shivered slightly. It felt a tad bit chillier in the office when they were speaking about the weather. It was definitely going to be a bone chilling year. "Huh, interesting. Yes, it does," he said with a shy smile. Now he could go back to his Common Room and think about a good time to approach Professor Culloden.
"Um, thank you, Professor." He held out his hand outstretched in a handshake. It seemed like the thing to do. Sometimes when it came to social situations, the boy didn't know what to do at all and he felt as if he made a complete fool out of himself. Shrug. It happened quite a lot. When the student thanked him, Piers smiled and took the boy's hand in a firm shake. "Anytime, Simon." He cut in front of him so he could walk the Snake to the door. "And if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to stop by. I'm always here for homework help, or if you just need someone to talk to." He patted the boy on the shoulder and opened the door for him...
Oh, look. Another Slytherin. Quote:
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape Okay. So Adelaide was going to take Flamsteed's suggestion and go talk to the Charms professor. Surprisingly she hadn't done this at all her past two years here. Probably because looking at Professor Pretty and trying to hold a serious conversation was going to prove to be difficult.
But she really needed to talk about her future. And Charms was the route she was looking to go in uni. Of course, Addi had a container of brownies. What kind of student would she be if she didn't bring goodies for the professors when she visited them? She knocked loudly on the door and waited, hoping he was inside. Fuller opened the door further so the redhead could enter. "Afternoon, Miss Adams," he greeted with a smile. "Would you like to come in? Simon was just on his way out." Ooh, were those brownies? He liked brownies. |