~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi was so wrapped up in his guilty feeling that he failed to notice Cris come back down into the Common Room. All he could think about was the event at the Whomping Willow. But wait a minute...he had apologised to both Angel and Benny. Angel forgave him instantly but Benny was still a little...suspicious about him. Still, they were on their way to being back to their old selves. Adi could feel it.
Right. He didn't have anything to feel guilty about, right? He had great friends who were willing to put his idiotic behaviour behind them. He could move on...forget that it ever happened. Still, the third year could feel a twinge of guilt still lurking there.
He suddenly snapped out of his reverie when someone shouted. Looking in the direction of the voice, he saw Cris who was heading upstairs once more. Adi knew it was the Potion he had slipped Cris that was agitating the poor dude.