doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo UGH. This ghost was annoying Zander more and more by the minute. Not to mention the fact that Peeves thought his chants were OH SO clever, which they weren't! Even though Kevin was clearly rubbing Zander the wrong way, Peeves was definitely WAY worse. If Zander had to vote one of them off the island...
It would be Peeves. "OI! GIVE THAT BACK!" Zander started chasing the poltergeist around the room as he annoyingly zigzagged everywhere. GAH THAT WAS HIS BED POST HE WAS KNOCKING OVER! It took Zander SO long trying to make his bed this morning. PEEEEVES! "You are SO--" he would've finished screaming, but he was suddenly pelted by pillows. OOOOOOWWWWW. Sure these things were stuffed with feathers, but when five of them were thrown at you with super force, they really hurt! "Quick, Kevin, under the bed!" Zander pointed out a nearby four poster bed. They could take cover under there and escape the pillows and make some sort of game plan to retrieve the card. There was no way this stupid ghost was getting away with any of this.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon! |