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See! Oh, sweet Merlin! She was right! Unsurprisingly, but still right. She shook her head while wearing a smile. Was he going to bring this up every day until she does it? "Okay. Fine, you can do that, but after the holidays, yeah?" Let her think a bit more. And then they could start working on NEWTs and Airey. Sound fair? Pretty fair.
Now that that was taken cared of...
...HAHAHA, what?? Immediately looking at her boyfriend, Lotus laughed, "Don't flatter yourself," she said, sticking her tongue out at him, she was obviously assuming he meant the closest star to Earth, the Sun. Meaning himself. And if he was doing so, "But yes." Then he was right. She'd rather not imagine the world without it, thank you, so let's forget about that. A mere nod went his way, it makes sense, it's a proven fact, so, enough of it, but...
...another smile. He did better than 'acceptable', but Lottie might be a little biased. To Airey it would be worse than 'poor', clearly. Oh? "Nothing, really, there's three of them up there, and Pluto, but it doesn't count as one." She didn't actually have anything planned, she was just gazing at the October sky, and her boyfriend, occasionally. "Why do you ask?" Curious.
Perhaps this would be mentioned every day until she actually did it. Maybe. Who knows. "
After the holidays, yes. After, then. So, make sure you soak in all the 'me not bothering you' while you can." Wink. Was it out of line? Probably, but whatever.
More laughter. Always with the laughter. At least this time Tag didn't feel embarrassed getting laughed at. There were varying degrees of Lottie's laughter. "
I wasn't talking about me." Wink again. But, "
I hear the sun is pretty hot." Lottie probably had a sciency answer to counter that. Ok. If he couldn't mention her blush, he could totally, and had the right, to say something like that. It was only fair. He also thought he was a priority, or the sun, rather so he just smirked at that, no words being said here.
Gosh. NOW LOTTIE was discriminating against Pluto. The universe was a horrible place. "
Poor Pluto. He was only trying to fit in, wanted to be a planet just like everyone else. But I guess everyone thought it was too goofy." Pun intended. If Lottie knew what Tag was trying to get at. "
Oh, usually when we stargaze we look for, and talk about something in particular." Nod nod. "Stargaze." The fact that Lottie may not have anything planned, besides going back in time, made Tag suspicious. Like he had to do something or find something right on the spot.