Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Quote:
Originally Posted by Charely Potter "Good.." Since she seemed so eager and all, the Creature teacher was taking her word for it. Merlin, this Gryffindor girl was really into swabbing the poop deck. Perhaps she had an interest in being a pirate. Eh, no matter. "You could say that.." Smirking a little at the thought. "Alright Miss Kettleburn. You know the deal, do everything perfect and you'll get your earnings." Now how would she deliver the goods? "You can come in after you're finished to set the jars on my desk." Perhaps he could try the humouring thing, "Are you ready?" Waiting in case she had another question or needed the tasks repeated before letting her go.
Perfect? Everything perfect? Zahra wasn't good at PERFECT.... She bit at her lip a little, scratched her leg thoughtfully, but then agreed with a BIG NOD. "I got it. You want some perfection. I got you. I'll be back with MUCUS and FEATHERS ASAP!"
And as Zahra ran off she yelled back, "AND SWEEPINGS! ALL THE SWEEPING!"
Because THIS K-BURN WAS ABOUT DEEEE-LIIIIIIVERRRRRR! She trotted/ran towards.... where were those flobby worms again? hehe. Hehe! |