SPOILER!!: Goldie! :3
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Was he serious? Really? Marigold jolted up from her half-asleep stupor and glared at the painted knight. Sigh. Couldn't he see she was sleeeeping? Well, maybe he couldn't. He was a portrait, and they couldn't see every angle. Marigold blinked hard a few times and rubbed her temples, trying hard to dissuade the growing banging in her skull. Was this what a loud noise caused headache sounded like? She figured so. Pointing her nose up at the painting, she glared. "OI," she said, meaning to begin a rant about inside voices and stuff, but was surprised when a squeak came out instead. She had only been asleep for a little, it wasn't like her voice was out of commission for a year. Or was it? Had she just been left sleeping for a century? Had she been jinxed or poisoned? Straightening up and rubbing her eyes again, she looked at the person who asked if she was lost. Nope, it was that boy from Transfiguration. Greaaaat.
"No," she said, standing up and brushing off her pants to see that even when she was standing on a higher step than he was, she was still shorter. Meeeehhhh. "Are you?" Because he looked like the sort of person to wander around aimlessly. She crossed her arms and gave her foot a wiggle. Her toes tapped against the floor.
Remember the day when he got sorted and sat with the Yellow people? Yeah? Well, Ethan had the impression that they were the friendly type. Elodie, Cris, and Adi were all cool and stuff and he’d spend mooooore time with those folks if time permits him. But this small person? Nu-uh.
Yes small person, we are judging you.
A bit.
Shields up!
Ethan tilted his head and grinned at the older student. Was he lost? Did he look like he was?
“You can say that I am. I’m intentionally lost. You see, I have come to explore the wonders of this school!” He said as he raised his arms and gestured at the…well, grand staircase. Who knows what he’ll find in the nooks and crannies of Hogwarts, yeah? And did she see the Student Noticeboard? A certain Professor Botros is asking the whole school to find Remembralls for him, so maybe by exploring, he’d come to find one. At least he’s being useful. Mhmm.
“Okay then, you are not lost.” But why is her hair like that? Ethan’s grin turned to a side smirk as he remembered the girls back in his old school that refuses to bathe. She looked like one of them, did she know? Hahaha. Ha. Haha.
“Did you…um…did we wake you up?” She is one weird girl. Who in their right mind would actually sleep, or even take a nap on a moving staircase?
“I’m sorry about that, if we did.” Ethan bit his lip and refrained himself from laughing.