There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Selecting another spearmint sprig, Cris removed it gently from its parent plant and popped it into the plastic baggie. Moving onto another row, Cris searched for more leaves that could be used to brew tea with.
He shrugged his shoulders at Adi's question. "I don't really know. To be honest, they smell the same to me, but I think spearmint tastes a little sweeter? Maybe we can ask Professor Bentley that question," Cris suggested before replying to Adi's other question.
"Hogwarts? I have to say I'm liking it. It definitely is different from Durmstrang, in lots of ways. I'm still having a hard time making friends, but I hope my luck with that changes. What about you? I guess the fact that you've been here three years, means you like it, right?," Cris asked Adi in turn.
As he waited for Adi to reply, he smiled when he spotted another plant whose leaves were popular in tea making. Lemon Balm. Selecting the best leaves, Cris reached down with his pruning shear and snipped off the sprig. Opening up another plastic baggie, Cris dropped the sprig into it.