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And firstie buddy!!!!11!!!1!!! "Norah! That is such a pretty name!" To match Norah's pretty face, of course. And it was cute to see Norah being all flustered and stuff. When she felt arms around her, Marigold (on impulse) squeezed Norah gently but strongly back. Glad that she wouldn't have to disown Norah from the Hufflepuff family for not hugging -
JUuuuuuuust kidding. She would never do that.
YAY! Marigold-the-old-and-mature hugged her BACK! Norah beamed at her, glad her awkwardness had at least gone somewhat unnoticed, and accepted her compliment gratefully.
"Thanks! Yours is pretty too. Very flowery." A marigold is a flower, right? Is flowery even a word? She felt her cheeks grow warm again and was tempted to cover her face with her hands because DARN CHEEKS kept making her seem all embarrassed. Ahem, she was not embarrassed. It's just not every day that you're complimented by someone old, y'know. Figuring it was a good time to return to her task, Norah resumed her methodical sweeping. Nothing to see here, nope.
Oooh they were going to do stuff! Norah set aside her broom with a little more enthusiasm than she cared to admit and and made her way to the nearest workspace. Gloves? Check. Quill? Check. Parchment? Check. What was she missing? Oh yeah, her wand. Pulling it out of her bag, she looked towards the professor and smiled. Starting time! YEAH!