Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy “I guess we’re good, guys.” Ethan nodded at the twins and Lucy and turned to where Professor Bentley was. He then looked at the place where she was pointing and saw that their workstations got pretty flowers. Ooh. Ethan started to walk towards the west end of the greenhouse, but stopped midway. Pointing his wand again at the bushes and flesh eating plants that Lucy, AJ and her twin was working, he casted another Immobilizing spell just to make sure that they won’t chomp off their lovely digits when his back is turned. He cares, all right? Don’t judge.
The Slytherin got himself a seat and did a staring contest with the plant…or…flower. Just like in their Transfiguration class, his cloud looked fluffy and friendly but in the end, it pelted him with things that are not supposed to come out of it. Evil. Cloud. Yes. Hearing the warning bells inside his head, Ethan kept a good distance as he eyed the new plant. Looks pretty, but could be deadly. Greenhouse 8 isn’t exactly where the friendly plants are, no? He then pulled his small notebook and muggle pencil from his back pocket, and placed it on the side of his workstation. And as he waited for the lesson to begin, he examined the utensils that were laid out for them. Hmm…
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |