Join Date: Feb 2010 Location: Rohan
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Louis Bracken Gryffindor Sixth Year
x3 x1
| Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia Text Cut: Replies are in here! Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Further covering his head with the soft blanket, Zander listened to the first question of the lesson. Hmm... Charms was definitely a better than Transfiguration and Potions, so he'd actually have to try in this class. The third year eagerly raised his hand, poking it out of his blanket cover. "The incantation for the placement charm is Fixate!" First one to answer gave the incantation. ”Perfect, you’re right. The incantation for the Placement Charm is Fixate.” Points for Gryffindor. Quote:
Originally Posted by laurange So they were talking about the Placement Charm. She'd heard about that one before. Listening to other people's answers first, she tried to recall what she'd learnt. "It sticks things, Professor?" she said, even though it came out more as a question. There was a reason she wasn't in Ravenclaw, see?
She didn't mind. Hufflepuffs gave better hugs anyway. It sticks things. That was vague, but it worked. ”Yes, it does stick things.” Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Before Jasmine knew it, class was starting and she turned her attention to the Charms Professor. When the Professor asked about Placement Charm, Jasmine's hand went up immediately. "A Placement Charm lets you put an object in a specific place without you having to pysically move it." ”Correct,” he told her with a nod. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mordred Fuller. Got it. Oh wait. Hehe. Is he the guy on the Aparecium? Muehehehe. Ethan kept a straight face and raised his hand as the first question was raised. “A Placement Charm places an object on to something.” That’s it. Easy peasy. Will they be putting on harnesses on the winged horses and stuff? Interesting. Yup. It was a simple question, so he got simple answers. ”Yes, you are correct.” Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 "Professors, I've used the placement charm before. I learned how to do it back in Durmstrang and got the chance to use it during my Defense Against the Dark Arts OWLs exam. I had to use it to place a harness over a Kelpie in order to take away its powers. I cast the spell from a distance, first levitating the harness and then tapping the side of it while saying the spell. I've heard that the spell can also be cast just pointing it at the intended target."
....and that was something he hoped they would get the chance to do. Well, this guy knew a whole bunch. They harnessed kelpies at Durmstrang? Interesting factoid. ”Excellent, thank you for sharing. Yes, the placement charm can be used to place a bridle on kelpies.” But they weren’t gonna do that. FYI. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy Seeing Bay join the class made Lux even happier. It was always wonderful to see her boyfriend and sit by him and her friends. She was so happy right now. A good thing p, seeing how cold it was. Bundled up in her warm clothes, the girl waved in greeting as one of the new Professprs stopped by, then proceeded to listen to what Fuller had to say.
Placement Charm? That wasn't one she was very familiar with. Raising her hand, she offered something she knew about it. "I know that using a Placement Charm to put a bridle on a Kelpie makes it harmless." An answer covering both Charms and Care of Magical Creatures. Go her. And this one had the same idea. Fuller nodded at her answer. ”That’s right, good job.” Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin Placement charms? Penelope didn't really know anything about placement charms, but it was easy to guess what they were used for. "A placement charm is used to put an object where you want to place it." Simple and correct. ”You’re absolutely right.” Quote:
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah It ceased, however, and quite suddenly when the Professor asked the question about placement Charms. His well-padded arm and gloved hand was raised. "They're a time saving charm that helps the witch or wizard to move something from it's current location elsewhere. Dead useful." Especially when one wanted to avoid leaving evidence of having touched a thing. "Not only do they save time, but they might also help in situations where yew want to avoid puttin' y'fingaz. Such as when feeding a fanged geranium or other flesh-eating plant." He briefly wondered how often this kid fed flesh eating plants. Did Bentley keep them out in the open? ”Good point. Thank you for the input.” He’d use it next time he didn’t want to stick his hand in the face of a flesh eating plant. Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiara Placement charms? Lucy didn't know this spell, but she raised her wand and she said "A placement charm is used to put an object in a particular place." Another simple, but correct answer. ”You are correct, thank you.” Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles "Hi Boddie!!" Kyroh greeted, waving at his friend. HI. Horses! Look! He was so busy looking at them he hadn't even really looked at the Professors. So when Professor Charms spoke, Kyrohs eyes grew.
The guy with the good hair......IT WAAAAAS THE NAPPING GUY! "YOU! YOU'RE THE NAPPING GUY!" Grin. He GRINNED. And pointed. But then his grin faded just a bit when the professor called him a booger? "I'm not a booger sir. I'm a boy." Yeah. Big difference. Didn't he see? Was he in trouble now? Did that mean he didn't like him? The first year took a side step, slightly hiding behind Maddie. Just slightly. "And I didn't draw on your face. I told the lady that you didn't need makeup to make you pretty. So I was trying to take the quill off that she put on you to make you pretty." He hadn't put on the lipstick on him either, because lipstick seemed weird. Not even like real makeup.
He should have been happy. He was pretty and everything without makeup.
As for the question, Kyroh raised his hand this time. "I don't know anything about the placement charm sir, but I think it puts something in a place where it wasn't before." He paused and scratched his head. "Though I don't think I saw it in my textbook so I'm guessing someone should place the placement charm there." Come on Standard Book of Spells Grade 1 get your act together. That kid was too literal. Obviously he wasn’t a REAL booger. OR WAS HE? And yada, yada, it was the other girl that drew on his face. Fuller waved his hand dismissively. ”Yeah, whatever, you’re off the hook.” THIS TIME.
As for his answer... He chuckled when Scaboir said they should place the Placement Charm in the textbook. ”It’s there, I promise. And you’re right, it does place an object somewhere else, good job.” First years, man. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel smiled as she raised her hand. "Professor a Placement charm, Is a spell that if I am right in saying makes one object move to another place without a magical person having to touch it." Angel thought about what she could describe it as. "It's like a muggle magician can move things without touching them." Angel wondered if they were wizards as well or just lucky. ”Yes, you are correct.” As for the muggle magician part..... well, he was just gonna... not say anything. That wasn’t real. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mell "It's used to stick an object in place." Duh! "It's for lazy people who don't want to do it physically." Michael's gaze went back to Z and he grinned. "I have never used it before but it sure would come in handy sometimes." Hehe. For lazy people, yes. ”It is quite handy when you’re feeling lazy. And you’re right, it’s used to stick an object in place.” Toussaint wasn’t so bad after all. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar A placement charm? Ummm... she was beginning to wonder if there was some kind of study material that she should have read before she got to school. AJ kept wondering how Angel managed to know things. Maybe her and Abby had been talking. Not wanting to get left behind she took a stab in the dark. "Is it a charm that makes things stay put?" Heh. she used context clues and attempted an answer so that counted for something right? Oh, look, it was Unicorn girl. He nodded at her question/answer. ”That’s pretty close,” he replied. ”It moves things from one place to another and sticks it there.” So, good job because she got most of it! Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Hand in the air Adi spoke up. "It's a charm that can be used to put something somewhere in particular.'' As for using it, he had never gotten around to it. Fuller pointed to him when his hand went up. Good answer. ”Yep, you’re right!.” Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone Placement Charm? They'd been taught about this sooooo, after a minute's thought, he raised his hand in the air, "Don't you have to tap the side of Thing A while it's being levitated so that it can be placed onto Thing B?" Was THAT right? "OR! Some people can just point at it and place Thing A on Thing B. Ultimate level of laziness right there."
And one last thing: "I've never used it before but it sounds like a dead useful spell." Pity that it probably didn't work on humans.
Or did it? ”Actually,” he started, shifting most of his weight to one side, ”You don’t need to physically tap the object with your wand. You just need relatively good aim. So, the farther you are away from the objects, the more difficult it will be.” Quote:
Originally Posted by Cedric ”Placement charms move an object somewhere without you having to touch the object," she answered. After hearing some other student say something about laziness, she added, "I wouldn't say lazy. Just more efficient." Okay, sometimes lazy. But that could be said for a lot of spells, no?
"I once used it to place a straw hat on a niffler." She and Ansel decided that it gave the the lil' guy some character. Just more efficient. ”Efficient,” he repeated with a nod. ”Good way to put it.” Though he did raise his eyebrow at the hat-wearing niffler. Every niffler needed a straw hat. Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir The combined Charms and Care of Magical Creatures lessons were starting to become one of Toby's favourite things; he totally hoped there'd be loads more, because FULLER and THOMPSON. They were fantastic, see?
Placement charms? Right. Toby stuck his hand in the air, waggling his gloved fingers around even as he adjusted his scarf around his neck to protect his ears from the cold some more. "It puts a thing in a certain place," he said, which was... basically what everyone had said but shhhhh. "It's only temporary, so it's not like a sticking charm or anything, and will probably wear off after a certain amount of time, depending on how strong the spell is when you cast it. I guess you have to be super focused for it to last longer." And..... well, that was all he could really think of, but it wouldn't hurt to say more. "It's different to placing things with Wingardium Leviosa, I suppose, because you would have to do a lot more work with aiming and placing, but with this one it's like... pre-programmed in your intent? Like, it's more specific." Look at Toby, being all smart. Again, not playing favorites, but Fuller was like, kind of proud of that kid. He was smart. ”You’re right on the dot, Mister Tempus.” Good boy. Oh, and he even went on. ”You’re absolutely correct. It’s similar to the levitation charm, but this charm was specifically created to take an object and stick it somewhere. Excellent answer.” Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Sophie thought for a minute then raised her hand. "It's a charm that places something somewhere," she said. That wasn't very clear, though, so she added, "For example, you can place a saddle on a horse with a Placement Charm, or you can do it by hand." Fuller nodded at Miss Newell’s example. ”That’s a very good example, thank you.” Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom He raised his hand. "I know that the placement charm basically moves things for you?" he said, unsure of how to really phrase his thoughts. "So you can move heavy things and stuff, but it allows you to move things ANYWHERE, not like Wingardium Leviosa which is basically just straight up into the air," he explained. Yeah, that made sense, right? ”You are right in a sense, the levitation charm can be restricting at times. You do have a bit more freedom with the placement charm.” Nods for you, Newell. Other Newell. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon He'd arrived at class in the nick of time, near late but not quite tardy 'cause getting lost was happening. It had also taken Dima a really long time to find his winter clothes and stuff. Why were they having class OUTSIDE again? In December? Uncool, professors, uncool.
But the pretty horses made up for that.
The first year had sat with Kyroh and Maddie without saying anything ('cause his mouth was wrapped up in a scarf, obviously), but he WAVED to them. He also gave a halfhearted attempt to answer the first question as well, even though it didn't go very smoothly. "Mmmfgmhd mmfgnff ngmmmfdhm!"
This scarf was an issue. Ermm....... He didn’t that. ”Right....” Was he even gonna try? Nope. Quote:
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104 "A placement charm is for people who want to use their wands instead of manual labor and putting things places." Cos placing charm, yeah? ”Very good, thank you.” Simple, but correct. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow "Could you use it on PEOPLE, Professor, or JUST things?" Cause Maddie wouldn't mind PLACING her brothers out in the yard and locking them out for a bit so she could get some peace and quiet, UH-HUH! He wondered if this question would come up. He thought about how to answer it... ”Theoretically, yes. If your magic is strong enough.” That’s all he would say about that. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Mo was completely enthralled by the flying horses, to the point where he really wasn't paying much attention to the professors. Certainly not close enough to realize that the professor was making fun of him a bit. Or maybe he realized it and didn't care. Being a seventh year was weird, man. It changed the way the world looked.
But he did hear the question, and Mo raised his hand thoughtfully after some of his classmates had answered. "Is it sort of like a meeting of Wingardium Leviosa and a Sticking Charm? Except that the object sort of slides into the place it is intended like a key in a lock rather than having to be directed there through trial and error?" That was a long 'is it sorta' question, and Mo turned a bit pink. And reached over to pull Dima's scarf all the way over the younger boy's face to cover his embarrassment. Well, Branxton made a very good point, one that he was going to point out if none of the students did. ”Yes, you’re absolutely right. It is quite similar to what would be a combination of the levitation charm and the sticking charm. Though, you’re right again by saying that it does sort of slide into place. You’ll see what I mean when we move on to the activity.” Which was was EXCITED about. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Maybe wasn't an answer. Did the Professor know that?
Except, it actually was when you added it to the shrug like that leaving the Gryffindor with one more question. "Does Kirby know you borrowed one of his thestrals?" Important stuff right there. As Groundskeeper he was incharge of the forest and the things living in there even if they were creatures and Thompson might have had some excuse. Couldn't leave out the wall of muscle in planning. Come on people, he had feelings too.
Aaaaand they were on to the lesson and Mo was pulling scarves over Dima. Yup. Seemed legit. She casually reached over and tugged it all the way down, loosening it a bit (if not too much). HE WAS WELCOME and now she could concentrate on the question about the what? Placement charm?' "It's a neat charm that puts things places so you don't have to. Brilliant for those days you can't be bothered with doing things, best done when used with a bunch of other spells that equally leave you having to exert little effort to get things done." But this wasn't from HER personal view, because half the time the Gryffindor wasn't lazy. Nope. Uhhh... Did Kirby know? Piers glanced at Javy.
He was gonna let him answer that one too.
As for her answer, it seemed like she would like it when she was lazy, too. ”Very good, thank you.” Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoe But the seventh year Gryffindor was focused when Professor Pretty Hair started the class. Already everyone was talking about what the Placement Charm did and all that. But Demelza raised her hand anyway. "Professor, the charm was used when I was at WADA to temporarily fix scripts after levitating them to a preferred height during table-reads. This was so we didn't have to hold the scripts out in front of us ourselves while reading through them out loud." But she didn't use the spell then. She held her scripts with her own two hands, thank you very much. Talk about dedication. Oh, that was a new answer. Fuller nodded, impressed by her input. ”Another good use. Thanks for the input.” See, it could be used for ALL kinds of things. Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz She raised her hand. "The Placement Charm does what the name says. It places an object wherever the caster desires without them having to touch the item or move from their spot." Simple, yeah? could come in useful in the library. Yes, yes it could. Especially to those not blessed with inches and inches of height. Ahem. Another nod for her. ”Very good. It places an object wherever you want.” Good, good. He was glad they were so familiar with it.
Once everyone who wanted to had spoken up about what they knew about the Placement Charm, Professor Fuller went on. ”Excellent answers, everyone. You were all right. The Placement charm simply moves an object from point A and secures it to point B, whatever that point is.” So, really, everyone who answered was right.
Except for the kid with the scarf over his face. He wasn’t so sure about that one. ”A few of you made excellent points, as well. While the Placement charm is similar to Windgardium Leviosa, they also have their differences. That levitation charm simply just levitates the object, while the placement charm can actually move the object to a different point and stick it there, just like you all said.” Props to them smart little studentsies. ”So todaaayy,” he started slowly, somewhat for a dramatic effect, ”we will also be learning about winged horses. If you haven’t made a guess already, you’ll see in a little while what the placement charm and those creatures have to do with each other.” He was going to let them use their imagination. ”For now, go ahead and give your undivided attention to Professor Thompson and he’ll teach you all you need to know about these creatures..”
He gestured to the man beside him. All yours, Javy. |