Post #5; Group One urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Grayson was getting antsy. And FAST. Can't they just start working on the firepit already? Because if they lingered any longer, they were going to be out here for the rest of the day and he WOULD like to have dinner, thank you very much.
And will you look at that? Culloden had agreed with the plan. SMIRKETY SMIRK. Wasn't this a good feeling?
An even better feeling was teaching someone something and seeing them doing it perfectly. Major ego boost, that provided. "Brilliant, Hayden! Keep it up, mkay?" Thumbs up. And he did notice that look from Gold. Uh huh. "Don't tire yourself out there, Gold." And cheer up, mkay?
And a nod towards Beverly who was carrying two rocks at the same time. "Welcome to the team." Uh huh. Robe stealer. Not going to forget about THAT anytime soon.
Er. Then his eyes went over to Kace. "I think we'll go with amphitheatre this time, mate, 'specially since Culloden already knows." WINK. "But that's not a bad idea." They'll certainly keep it for next time, mkay? Speaking of more bright ideas, Zander seemed to have one. "I like that. DID EVERYONE HEAR THAT? Separate the rocks into different piles depending on size. And maybe the stone carriers can help by adding the correct stone to the correct pile?" Juuuuuuuuuust a suggestion but a brilliant one, if he may say so himself. Uh huh.
And there was teamwork going on. A nod of approval went towards the two Gryffindors (Benny and Zander). This gave him an idea, actually. "If you want to work with someone, you can. The team," As in the teams within Group One. "that builds the most will get some sweet treats from yours truly." And they won't be poisoned or anything, these lucky buggers. He was actually being NICE. Take it or suffer in silence, people. "LET'S GO, TEAM!"
They were going to make the BEST firepit, mkay?
Speaking of, he was going to get started by lifting two smaller rocks and setting them down somewhere towards the area where the middle of the firepit was going to be. Uh huh. Then Hayden and Kyroh can put the pebble-sized rocks in between them. HE deserved sweet treats after this. Sweet MERLIN.
Last edited by hermionesclone; 06-01-2014 at 10:33 PM.
Reason: I missed Gold! D=