Join Date: Sep 2007 Location: Merlin Foresaken PST
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| C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby Text Cut: Beverly Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz The lake was frozen, it was quite a sad thing to see. Beverly rather liked the water and swimming and skipping rocks and--not fishing. That was an old people's sport. Wrinkling her nose at it and huddling her thick cloak securely around her, she didn't place much importance as to why the lake was frozen solid. It was obvious magic had something to do with it.
The lake became LESS of an importance once her eyes landed on the WINGED HORSES. OH MY MERLIN. WINGED HORSES. The girl almost broke out into a beam at the sight of them. Almost because just as fast, her excitement was half way extinguished when she met white eyes peeking from behind the professors. Her throat went dry.
"Whoa," she whispered lowly. Finding a spot near and somewhat thick kid, she double-backed. She knew that head. Her ever observant skills tingled. Taking step to the side, she got view of his profile. Sitting on a blanket and wrapping another around her (yes, she took TWO), she poked his fluffy side. Squishy. How many layers was he wearing?
"A bit nippy, isn't it, Mordaunt?" she said in form of greeting. Beverly couldn't blame him, she HATED the cold. Her eyes darted back to the professors and the Thestral. Did he see what she saw? HMM?
" Nar. I'm not cold at all. Are yew?" Sass. That boy was sassy and he felt the need to share. Ugh! He looked out toward the professors, but occasionally, perhaps it looked as though he had spotted the Thestral. He had not. Text Cut: Fuller Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Once all the students had arrived, Fuller looked past them all to make sure no one else was coming. It was time to get the class rolling! Time to get their brains active so they wouldn’t freeze in their tiny teenage skulls. ”Welcome to class, everyone!” he said loudly, for all to hear. ”As you know, this will be a combined lesson with both Charms and Care of Magical creatures. Charms, taught by myself, Professor Fuller and Care of Magical Creature, taught by Professor Thompson.” He jabbed a thumb in the other man’s direction to point him out. Just in case they didn’t know who they were, since they seemed to have some newcomers and first years there.
Oh, yeah, Cassie was there, too. ”Professor Morgan,” he added, pointing to the blond Divination professor, ”is just visiting today, so be sure to stomp on her toes and stuff.” Haha. She asked for it.
He rubbed his gloved hands together. ”Now, I hope you remembered to dress warmly. We will be out here for the next little while, so make sure you wrap up in a blanket if you get too cold. There’s plenty for everyone.” Thanks to Javy. Good thing he was thinking about the kids, eh? ”So, as you may have guessed, we’ll be talking a bit about winged horses, but we’ll leave that to Professor Thompson in a little bit. We’re going to start with the Charms portion first. So, to get started... What can you all tell me about the Placement Charm? What do you know about it? What does it do? How do you use it? If you have used it before, tell me what you’ve used it for?” Professor Fuller spread his arms, gesturing to the students. Discuss! OOC: Class has now begun! If you’re just arriving, feel free to jump right in, but just pretend like you’ve been here all along! OOC: Feel free to use any HP canon and SS canon information you find on the placement charm, as there is information on this spell in both places. Feel free to discuss!
Cutty tore his attention away from Beverly Wayne long enough to shoot a glance over at the blonde witch. Professor Morgan. Step on her toes. A slow, and certainly mischievous smile came about his face.
It ceased, however, and quite suddenly when the Professor asked the question about placement Charms. His well-padded arm and gloved hand was raised. " They're a time saving charm that helps the witch or wizard to move something from it's current location elsewhere. Dead useful." Especially when one wanted to avoid leaving evidence of having touched a thing. " Not only do they save time, but they might also help in situations where yew want to avoid puttin' y'fingaz. Such as when feeding a fanged geranium or other flesh-eating plant."
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