There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
"Yes unfortunately, I can see Thestrals, Jasmine. Remind me to tell you how come later," he quickly whispered to her seeing that both Professors had come forward to speak.
Cris couldn't wait to get started. O_o the placement charm? He had read about that. Cris waited patiently, allowing the others to share their answers, before he raised his hand and shared his.
"Professors, I've used the placement charm before. I learned how to do it back in Durmstrang and got the chance to use it during my Defense Against the Dark Arts OWLs exam. I had to use it to place a harness over a Kelpie in order to take away its powers. I cast the spell from a distance, first levitating the harness and then tapping the side of it while saying the spell. I've heard that the spell can also be cast just pointing it at the intended target."
....and that was something he hoped they would get the chance to do.
Last edited by FireboltAvis88; 06-01-2014 at 08:08 AM.
Reason: Oops doesn't know difference between bridle and harness