DADA HW 1 | Post 3 Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy “Come on Ethan. You can do this!” The young Slytherin scolded himself as he jumped up and down to calm his nerves. He was obviously being hard on himself and noted that he should relax and focus at the task. He knew that once he gets this thing in his system, he’ll be good to go. “Focus, Intent…Follow through.” Yep. His father said those words too when he opened to him that he wasn’t good in DADA. Aldred however will not accept this, so he ended up showering his own son with advice. Too bad Ethan is under-aged and can’t practice while he’s with his father. “Now is the perfect time to put those theories into practice!” The thought made Ethan grin, and found a new dose of confidence.
All right. Make the dummy go BOOM.
Ethan stood with an offensive stance and got his wand pointing at his dummy. “You will go boom…REDUCTO!” Focus, intent, and a follow through earned him a solid hit and the dummy did explode…the thing’s center’s insides were everywhere and an arm was missing. Possibly blown up into smithereens? Ethan pumped a fist in the air. “Yusss!”
Well, he needs to try again just to be sure. Who knows? Maybe he just got lucky.
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |