Well, aside from the jogging, carrying two planks didn't seem all that hard. Of course, she wouldn't be saying that had she not drunk that potion. Psht, in normal circumstances she wouldn't be carrying planks at all. Not when she was of age and able to preform magic whenever and wherever! But this display of strength was actually nice. Because, Cassia knew that she'd never be able to experience the true feeling of being physically strong enough to haul heavy items. But now she felt as if she was in Mr. Kirby's shoes. That man looked like he could lift anything, and those plank of woods would be like mattresses for him. So yeah, she was going through the experience.
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Lex casually slumped over leaning against Cassia who'd decided to give her the proper story on how this was going to work. Seeing how much they could load? Like a test of strength and will?? "DONE." The Gryffindor was completely on this and Cassia's challenge regarded the other side. How many did Cassia have? She couldn't probably beat it.
Two planks? She could do better!!!
Wanting to be a true Gryffindor Lex yanked 4 from the pile and threw them over her shoulder ready to dart after Cassia when another voice from the top of Mo's pile caught her attention.
"HI!" Had to keep the enthusiasm going here. Couldn't give a dead beat greeting after the one she'd just gotten. "Having fun up there?" And a look to Mo who was obviously showing off with that new found strength. "Gimma a sec." She said, hurrying after Cassia who she'd assume would have been to the other pile by now. This was a race afterall.
And the Gryffindor was being her fast enthusiastic self. Cassia wanted to get advantage of the head start she'd gotten but it probably was too late now that Lex had FOUR planks of wood. Wow. Now that's someone who drank a strength potion and wanted to show off. And win the challenge. Motivated by
that, the snake picked up her pace. She had fewer planks so it only made sense that she'd be able to get there faster. And NO it wasn't cheating, pfft. The odds were totally equal.
Though, now Lex was like a couple of strides behind her, but the seventh-year kept going and only risked a second to look back and nod approvingly at her bestie. This was going really well, except that her nose was kind of itchy now. Of course, just when her hands were busy. Thanks a lot, skin.
But no! She refused to pause to scratch her nose, not until she reached the other pile at least. So, awkward nose wiggling was happening. NO ONE LOOK!
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And heeeeey, more people. IMPORTANT people. BADGED people.PEOPLE who were walking past and already helping them move planks!
She recognized the head girl FIRST and smiled a little at her. "Hi Head person." Could Maddie pick her brain about Head Girl responsibilities some time? She was already formulating questions in her head. AND another tall person TOO. Seemed like she was FRIENDS with the head girl so she got a smile as well, YUP. "Hello." HI. SMALL PERSON ON MO'S PLANK, HERE.
Oh, someone was talking to them! Cassia hoped the younger one didn't see any of the nose wiggling, she had reputation and all, wouldn't want to ruin that. Especially since she'd never personally met the lil ravenclaw before. And the said eaglette got many points, Cassia!points that is, for the title she used. The blond approved of this. "
Hello, there," she greeted the girl back with a smile. "
I'm Cassia," BUT she could totally keep calling her that. "
What's your name?" Might as well busy herself so she wouldn't be thinking of the need to scratch her nose.
Looks fun up there," And it did. Was Ethan serious about lifting her? Yeah, she probably shouldn't. She wasn't as tiny as the girl carried by Mo.
And there were others passing her and in the race. Younger ones with MORE planks than her. That was impressive. And she had a very good reason as to why she didn't lift more, and she was trying to remember
make up that reason now.