Originally Posted by
PhoenixStar "Looks like I am going to need you to cross more than just your fingers." Like maybe some toes too. AJ was getting frustrated even though she knew it was ridiculous to think that she would catch on to an advanced spell so quickly.
She shot him a grin when he started singing. "If only it were that easy." Then she would be all set. It was his turn again, and sure enough he had managed to do it perfectly. "Show off." She lightly and playfully shoved his arm. "Here goes nothing." With full concentration, she once again pointed her wand up at the cloud. "Stiricidium Nubila!" Cue the swirly wand movement. She saw white blobs coming down. Could it really be snow? Before she could investigate further though it had stopped. Now she would never know.
"I don't show off,'' Adi said as he poked AJ gently in her arm. He watched again as she tried the spell. It looked like snow was falling from her cloud!
"Hey, AJ! It looks like crossing fingers really does work.'' It really was snow right?
Adi decided he would continue practicing on his cloud, so he stopped the snow fall before starting again.
"Stiricidium Nubila!'' He did the wand movement and watched happily as his cloud darkened and expanded. Snow started again. It seemed as if he had gotten the hang of this spell after all.