Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Quote:
Originally Posted by Charely Potter "Good.." Javy gave a small smile at her enthusiasm. Not many were so willing to shovel the feces, after all. That task was too repetitive and predictable to be assigned in his opinion. "Now that won't be necessary, instead you'll be doing collecting." Now which items to be precise? "Specifically in the Play pens area, where there are some flobberworms I need you to gently collect enough mucus off of them enough to fill up this jar halfway." Taking one of the empty jars from inside his robe pockets to high-five it into one of her outreached hands. "And in this jar," Yes, he kept empty jars around just in case. Handing it to her in the same process with her other hand. "you are to collect about two of Eddy the Augurey's feathers to place in here. He'll let you after you feed him some of his favorite foods first." Assuming she'll remember or at least have some idea on what Augurey's usually eat. "And finally you can sweep the floors in this whole Barnyard and Stables area." Pausing to see if she at least looked like she remembered the instructions. "Still with me?" "I'm listening!" BUT SHE NEEDED A QUILL AND PARCHMENT! STAT!!! Zahra was going to remember though, she was. SHE HAD TO. Weekend with Toussaint was on the line.
Zahra kept repeating this list over and over in her head as she reached out to take the jar. This Professor kept JARS in his robes. That was cool. Oh Merlin she was going to forget the list... focus focus focus! MUCUS, FEATHERS, SWEEP. MUCUS FEATHERS SWEEP. "Got it! I note there is no poop in your chores. You saving that for yourself, huh, Professor?" haaaaaaaaaahaahaaahaha teehee heeeheee |