Thread: Pathways
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Old 05-31-2014, 03:39 AM   #92 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Delilah grinned when she saw him blush. UGH, WHY. She loved it so much, you know? The fact that SHE could make him blush.. It was the best feeling ever, seriously. AND. He looked so adorable with his red cheeks and it just made her want to kiss his face. "I adore you, Lou." She whispered once again and placed a small kiss on his ear before pulling away, reluctantly. She would have liked to tease him with a few more kisses but well.. Nope, not a good idea. Not when they were sitting on top of a tree. Meh.

Graceful! See, her boyfriend understood. "Yes! Exactly.. I don't see why other people---" Delilah blinked in surprise when his lips suddenly met hers. Oh. Ohmygosh. She had missed kissing those soft lips so much. SO much. The girl gently kissed him back, unable to stop herself from smiling. He just made her so happy. Whatever had happened over the past few weeks, whatever hurt and pain she'd gone through, she still believed that he was the best thing to have happened to her. Maybe things could go back to the way they were, after all..

... And the kiss was over way too soon. Delilah could feel the heat rising in her cheeks as she smiled. "No, I didn't. I'm kind of learning to accept compliments now.. that's kind of what you always wanted me to do, right?" Was he proud of her, hm? It was all thanks to West, really. It was weird, though.. 'cause it didn't feel like she deserved any of those compliments.

Aw, his family sounded so adorable and lovely. The blonde grinned happily when he added that his grandmother liked her already! Wow. Okay. That was really nice to hear.. Delilah would absolutely love to meet her sometime.. and the rest of his family of course. She felt a little too shy to say that loud, though. "Did you ever get to tell her I loved all those roses she'd sent?" ... They were truly SO beautiful.
“I adore you, Lou.”
How could just a few simple words bring the brightest of smiles to his lips? “And I adore you…” he replied softly, still smiling as he leaned in toward the beautiful blonde and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. She was just… flawless, and the fact that she liked him as much as he liked her just made the whole situation completely surreal. Never in a million years would he have expected to have the fortune to date someone so gentle, charming and gorgeous. Yeah, coming to Hogwarts had definitely been a wise move.

At Delilah’s following words, Louis’s smile widened with genuine delight. “Yes…” He looked at her incredulously, though still pleased. This was… definitely unexpected. For Delilah to accept a kind word, without dismissing his opinion of her as untrue, it was… well, it was quite wonderful. It made the boy want to shower her in every compliment he could think of. “Yes, it is,” he repeated with a nod. “I want you to… not just accept it, but believe when I tell you you’re perfect. Because you really are, D.”

When the girl asked about the roses, Louis nodded his head once again. “Oh, yes. I wrote her that week and I think that’s the day she decided she really liked you. She’s very proud of her plants, so if you appreciate them you’re immediately good on her book,” he said with a chuckle. The boy paused for a moment, turning quiet as his distracted gaze fell upon the students wandering on the snow-covered grounds. “If… If we’re still alright by next summer,” he started slowly, fidgeting with the girl’s slender fingers in his hand. He hated to start the question like that, but he didn’t want to jinx himself by making assumptions either. “…Would you come to France with me? To meet them?” he asked, looking up from their hands to the girl at his side. He knew the summer was still a long time away, many things could happen between now and then, but still he wanted to know.

— the sun & the moon
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