Herbology Workshop: Flesh-Eaters Herbology Workshop: Flesh-Eaters
It was difficult to predict how many of the students would be showing up for the workshop, even more difficult still to predict how many would come for the maintenance free-for-all before hand. But considering a great number of the students expressed an interest in feeding the flesh-eaters again, she figured at least they would turn up. After all, it wasn't every day she was able to offer supervision in greenhouse eight.
Having unlocked the greenhouse and set up the work stations for the latter learning experience, Seren milled about sedating some of the more harmful specimens in the greenhouse before returning to the main area. The last thing she needed was a student losing an arm from being too eager to feed them.
With buckets of scrap meat, buckets of dung and a mound of compost laden with wood chips in the middle of the floor everything was set to go. Instead of slacking and observing, she too started by fussing over a growth of sword-lilies, snipping away at the browned and floppy leaves. A quick check of her watch showed that it was eight am... which meant students might be arriving any minute... any minute. Guided Learning Experience: To the workstations! Note Taking and Preparations! Jars at the Ready! Swab your Orchid's Column! Make an Incision in your Dried Resin! Hot Air Charm and Melting Resin! Finishing Up!
OOC: This is not a lesson, it is a workshop which is optional. You do not need to be on time, as there is no penalty for tardiness. Points will be awarded for participation. Herbology Rules and Expectations and the SS Site Rules still apply. IC rule breaking will result in IC punishment, OOC rule breaking will result in OOC punishment. |