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For a bit? Elodie nodded, even though she didn't fully agree. "Sometimes your thoughts are worse than the world." Hers were. Sometimes. Other times, she just really liked to be by herself and consider everything. Like the future. Ugh, the future. "Other times... it's nice to only deal with your own opinions." Of which, she had a lot.
"Seventh." And older than her, it had became apparent. She left out the point that she was a prefect, and a Hufflepuff and most definitely better than her, because she just..wasn't in the mood to dish out titles or anything more than what she immediately needed. But a fifth year. Hmm.. That meant she was the year below some of her friends. Right. Ah. Nevermind. Elodie wasn't going to ask questions about people, because one opinion wrong from this girl and pow. She might be gaining blood flow from her nose.
"You didn't make me feel uncomfortable. I wasn't writing anything to make me feel uncomfortable if it was read." That was a lie.
„I guess its about the balance of thoughts and reality.“ Vinnie wasnt one to overthink things, so her thoughts were a good place to hide in most of the time. But right now she liked reality a lot so she had no need to escape. Everything was finally falling into place. Which was nice. Dealing with your own opinion only? Hmmm.. the Slytherin did have a lot of opinions but she liked to voice them.
„Depends on how good one is at discussing and accepting other opions.“ And she certainly was.
It was kind of weird how she had acted like it had made her feel uncomfy but said it hadnt. It would be careless to write something like that in public anyway. Someone could always sneak up behind you. Oh well.It would be
„And what house?“ Probably not Slytherin...something about her wasnt Slytherin at all.