Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
Zahra had on a pair of BOOTS that went up and over her knees. She was ready. She was determined.
"HEY PROFESSOR T?" Knocking was for Hufflepuffs. "YOU GOTTA MINUTE?" Zahra shouted at his door and kind of kicked at it with her boot. BURRRRR COLD, even with the fire. She probably needed to throw a few of those magazines on the flame.
Javy hadn't exactly expected to get anymore guests today. Not that he minded, it just took him by surprise. His office due to some frequent outside visitor(s) had gotten a little untidy over the weeks so tidying it up was definitely in order.. soon. Anyway, now to deal with answering the rapidily banging door, as he heard a very familiar student's voice behind it..
Yep, it was Zahra the infamous Gnome hunter. "
Miss Kettleburn.." First noticing the long boots she was wearing. Interesting, as he use to own a pair when younger on the farm to deal with certain chores.
Hmm.. Anyways, it was chilly out so he thought it best to just cut to the chase already. "
What brings you here today?"