The next step, Kevin knew he had to stir the potion so he grabbed the stirrer that lay on top of the table and with a quick wave of his wand he cleaned it with a scourgify. He inspected it for a moment but upon seeing that it really was clean he placed the stirrer in to the cauldron.
He quickly checked his notes on the parchment and read that he had to stir 13 times anti-clockwise. Ugh... he hated these kinds of steps. But it was better than those steps where he had to WAIT. Because the Gryffindor was not a very patient one.
With his right hand, the second year stirred the potion going around against the clock with wooden stirrer. He counted the number of times he had made a whole round until he came to ...11...12...13!
Cleaning the stirrer again, Kevin placed it on the desk and checked his notes. Add a dash of sheep bile? ewww... He made a disgusted face while he searched the table and realised he didn't have a jar. He looked up at the cupboard at the end of the room and walked towards it. He opened it with both hands and his miss-colored eyes searched the shelves. Sheep bile...sheep bile... Scratching his neck, he finally found what he was looking for and as he pushed some other jars aside he grabbed the jar and walked back to his place.
This whole step was disgusting and although Kevin usually found this cool, even he thought it was. He opened the jar and held it over the cauldron. Just...pouring it in until the potion turned grey right? He concentrated as he tipped the jar over slightly, the bile going in to the cauldron. He furrowed his brows in concentration and he was biting his lower lip.
There! The potion had a good greyish colour and if he wasn't mistaken it even looked like a bit of concrete? Was that supposed to happen? According to the notes it was and he grinned.
He placed the jar on the table and closed it before he scratched off the steps he had done with his muggle pen.