Snow clouds? Penelope didn't know any spells, so how was she supposed to do a complicated spell like this? Stiricidium Nubila would be hard to pronounce.
"Stiricidium Nubila," nothing. This might take a few tries. Carefully doing the wand movements, Penelope tried again,
"Stiricidium Nubila!" This time, birds surrounded Penelope, swooping around her and pecking at her clothes. Great, now her uniform had feathers all over it. Penelope didn't know how to make the birds stop.
"How do I make it stop?" Quote:
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Angel was watching and dodging like crazy she didn't want to get hit by a single rock, suddenly she had an idea If she said the spell again surely that would work.
"Stiricidium Nubila" Angel did the wand movement and prayed that the rocks would go but then seemed to be coming down faster, "HELP!" Angel saw a rock heading straight for her so she did the only thing that she could think of and dived out of the way,
She just hoped she didn't hit anyone, she had no choice though it had been dive or get hit by the rocks and Angel thought that being hit by a rock would hurt so she had made up her mind as soon as she saw the rock coming.
Still trying to figure out what to do about the birds, Penelope was not really paying attention to everything around her. Angel came from somewhere and bumped into Penelope. Falling down, Penelope was now stuck in a mess of falling rocks and swooping birds.
"I don't know how to make it stop! The rocks were still falling, and the birds were still flying around her. [b]"Do you have any idea what to do, Angel?"]