Originally Posted by
Harron Peasley
This was totally not fair. Jun and her were supposed to be friends. Really great friends. That meant he did embarrassing stuff for her. Like rapping. Charlie was planning on sulking now, or just stalking him and Lex until he rapped for her and she could over here.
Which would probably be super awkward because she didn't want to watch them be all couple-y and stuff. "Introduce me to him, then." And he could write this rap and rap it to her. She wanted to hear this, now that Jun had mentioned it. "Well you work hard enough, and you have natural ability." She shrugged a little, fingers still grazing Charmanders fur. "You'll make it one way or another." Charlie was naive enough to think that everyone who deserved anything got it eventually, and Jun was deserving. Hard working, talented, great - what more did this programme want from its people?
"They should be." Because she had meant to hurt his feelings. Her eyes were precious and he should be insulted if she rolled her eyes at him. "You know... I'll wear something embarrassing if you rap for me." In semi-public, aswell, and that was a big deal for Charlie.
Now did Jun really want Charlie to meet his brother? No, not really. But he sounded rude saying that to her.
"Maybe. Doubt he'll want to rap for you. He refused to rap for Char and only does it for his auditions," Which was weird, in a way. Kai shouldn't be so shy about rapping. Jun wasn't, he just didn't know how to. Not even a little. His brother practiced in his room while Jun slept or listened to music in his.
"Natural ability that took me years to gain," After that traumatic phase he went through. Jun gave her a small nod. She wasn't the only one who told him that. But knowing how strict this program was, he felt like he might get kicked out if anything. Maybe even for breathing.
"Not that's convincing enough," He said, resting his chin on his hand. Nothing was convincing enough, actually.