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Old 05-29-2014, 03:22 AM   #24 (permalink)
Casey O

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Originally Posted by Mell View Post
Right. It was an experiment. Michael wasn't going to question it anymore, obviously she had her reasons for doing it. He and Zahra were known to do some rather weird stuff as well so he really couldn't say anything.

Instead he stuck his hand out to help her up off the floor. She was coming to the kitchen with him whether she liked it or not. "We haven't officially met." Although he had seen her many times around the school and in classes. "My name is Michael Toussaint."
To be honest, as much as the smell was decreasing, Marigold wasn't sure how much longer she could smell it. Like, handle smelling it. Great magic and all that, but… smelly. She took his hand and jumped up, then brushed off her pants.

No, they hadn't. But with his statement of his name, she knew he must be with Z. "Marigold McAlistor. You must be the 'Mikey' Zahra talks about." She started meandering towards the kitchens because FOOD.
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