SPOILER!!: Le Prof :3
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See this was why Sophia sent her children to wizard prep. Whenever they started advanced schooling, they started with some base knowledge instead of blank slates. But she was a teacher, and teach she would.
"Most of you were spot on with your explanation of the difference between charms and transfiguration. It is important to make this distinction in order to be successful in both fields."
A swish and flick here and there at the board had more writings appearing.
"I hope that is clear for everyone." She looked around the room for concerned faces.
"Okay so the spell that we will be working with today is Stiricidium Nubila. This spell changes the cloud from a fluffy cotton like cloud into a larger, darker cumulonimbus looking snow cloud. When performed correctly, you should see the cloud grow and get darker, then it should start to snow gently. Now the wand movement for this spell is a counter clock-wise swirling motion with the wand pointing up at the cloud."
Everyone following so far?
"Now as with everything you do in transfiguration, this requires focus and practice, which you all will do after I perform a demonstration."
Sophia pointed her wand at her own cloud and clearly said,
Stiricidium Nubila. Immediately her cloud started to grow, then got darker and began sending down snowflakes.
"See? You may all begin practicing." ooc: Okay, so obviously not all the students are expected to be experts at this spell in the first go since it is fairly advanced, so to keep everyone from going crazy I have outline a few ways the spell can go wrong. Choose one and have fun. 
Ways Spell Can go wrong
-Rains instead of snows
-rains down cotton
-rains birds
-rains leaves
-rains rocks
If you think of anything else, please PM me for approval.
Kace was listening to the professor talk and understood what was going on. He took notes on this stuff. I mean he needed to. So apparently the spell was Stiricidium Nubila. This might be difficult to pronounce but he will get to that bridge when he came to it. He saw the snowflakes and stood there in awe. Now THAT was cool! He copied down the wand movement which was a counter clock-wise swirling motion. He got it now onto practicing saying the spell.
He began saying the spell,
"Stir-ic-id-ium...Nub-ila." he said. Then he began to repeat it.
"Stir-ic-id-ium...Nub-ila......Stir-ic-id-ium...Nub-ila.....Stir-ic-id-ium...Nub-ila....Stir-ic-id-ium...Nub-ila....." He nodded his head while repeating it.
Then he put it all together.
"Stiricidium Nubila.....Stiricidium Nubila....Stiricidium Nubila...Stiricidium Nubila...Stiricidium Nubila...Stiricidium Nubila." He got the hang of it. Now onto doing the wand movement.