GROUP 2 - I tried to get everyone in. I'M TIRED, OKAY. ∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe THE SWORD FIGHTING WAS A GO!
Els was all for her own idea to do with carrying five planks of wood. Five of them. C'mon. C'moooon. Maybe she'd even give Sophie a piggy back if she carried five of them. PIGGY BACK RACES WITH PLANKS. C'mon. She even tried to convey her idea to Sophie with looks and gestures and NOSE WIGGLES. Sword fighting was just... it looked fun, but y'know... even with this potion.. these rugrats were still kids and Elodie was going to have some sort of panic attack if she dared tried to joust with one of them.
She couldn't sword fight with him in case she caught his face and Cat got mad with her or anything, so he just got a wave and looks to get moving with those planks. C'mon Motown. Move the planks, move 'em. From A to Z. From here to there. All the places, all the planks. Go, go, go! "We're carrying nine thousand planks at a time. Your turn, Motown!"
BUT HEY. She didn't want to be a bumbling billywig and so she dumped the plank she was holding on her shoulder where she was supposed to and bounced after the other little rugrat. Coop, was it? Maddie? Something? Human? Whatever. She hoped her name was Maddie and not Coop. Coop was an odd name for a girl. And in general. NOT A BILLYWIG, HERE. And Ethan! Ethan was giving her LOOKS and she gave him looks right BACK. Hello there, Ethan. Hi kid. Hello there. Wassup, pirate kid? But then he was nudging her with the plank he had and she was going to RETALIATE.
YOU'RE GOING DOWN, RUGRAT. Els picked up a plank for herself and put on her best pirate stance. Rawr. Battle faces for you, RUGRAT! Okay, she could totes get into this if she wasn't going to kill the little one. She couldn't get into trouble for that, right? Would she? It would be an ACCIDENT.
The others that joined their group, including Leah, got smiles and things and LOOKS to get moving with planks. TEAM EFFORT, GUYS. Go, go, go!
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