Thread: Pathways
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Old 05-28-2014, 06:36 PM   #85 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
"Of course, I do." Delilah said, with a wide grin. It had been loads of fun. Hanging around at night in the tower patch.. It was amazing how she could still remember it all clearly. "Didn't I just randomly kiss you? Even though we'd just met? It was so embarrassing.." The girl still couldn't believe she'd done that! Randomly have her first kiss with a boy she had barely known at the time.. Not that she regretted it. Of course not.

"I miss the weather back home." Bleh. Delilah really did. She didn't like winter in general.. and the cold here was just too much for her. Believe it or not, the girl was waiting for summer already. She snuggled into him as he pulled her closer, resting her head on his shoulder.

Hmmm? What was it like at home? "It's pretty.. and warm throughout the year. And the beaches are lovely.. they are almost always crowded but yeah. And I love swimming in the ocean, you know? Somehow, it makes me really happy..." Having spent SO much time at the beach, she'd never really learned how to surf though.. Odd. Next summer, hopefully.

"Tell me about your home.. and your family. What are they like?"
Louis chuckled softly when Delilah mentioned their first kiss; it was something he still remembered as if it had just happened a minute ago. “Indeed, you did… Very daring of you, Starr. I think you’re the real Gryffindor here,” he said, his face lit up with an endeared smile. “I’m glad you did, though…” Even if it had confused him a little at the time, it led to something great. So, no regrets there.

The boy listened as Delilah described a dreamlike place to him. No way that was real, was it? Seriously? Warm weather all year, beaches? “It sounds like paradise,” he said, trying to imagine the foreign land in his mind. His smile widened when she commented on the ocean and how happy it made her. Poor girl, she was totally out of her element here. “Isn’t it a bit scary, though? With the sharks and all?” Though he vaguely remembered the girl showing an interest in sharks.

And then it was his turn to be questioned.
“You’ve been to my home,” he replied cheekily. Turning a little more serious, he continued, “Well, I live with my mum as you know… but all her family lives in Toulouse, that’s why I go every summer.” Except this summer, for obvious reasons. “We always stay at my grandma’s, but my aunts and my cousins live there too.” As for what they were like… “They’re great, very close and family-oriented… They’d love you if they met you,” he said with a smile. At least, his grandmother had been nagging him to at least send a picture of his mystery girl for some time now.

— the sun & the moon
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