gri·moire [grimˈwär]
● a book of magic spells and invocations
● a manual of magic or witchcraft used by witches and sorcerers
HEY! Heelllooo. I'm Gnargy and this is my blossoming little shop. I'm very happy to be in this wonderful part of the site, and I do hope you enjoy the stuff I can bring you guys.
Accepting the following:
- Avatars, Signatures, Profile Pictures (sets)
- RolePlay/FanFiction Banners
✔ All Snitchseeker and Madame Malkin's rules apply here
✘ There is no stealing another's made graphic. Be kind, respect my patient work and our friendly members
✔ Any of my grabbies are free to snag! Just comment stating
✘ There is no hotlinking. Please save and upload to your own image account (i.e. photobucket, tinypic)
✘ All changes made will be done by me, do not edit over my work
✔ Credit is definite. Either to the shop (Grimoire) or myself (Incantation)
✔ A form is suggested for you, please follow it
Originally Posted by Request Form
I would like: av, sig, PP (the maximum per request is a full set or two banners)
In these sizes: If you are specific. If not, I use 450 x 150 sig, 300 x 350 PP and 100 x 100 av.
With these photos: Please provide large, high quality photos. If you or not sure, or would like me to gander with it, suggest a model/artist/animal etc.
And the following text: Character name, song lyric, or N/A.
What else: Themes, whatever specifics, or just fantastic encouragement!
I don't have much to share since I'm still new to the site, but hopefully that'll change here real quick.
Originally Posted by Grabbag Codex
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